Background: Thyroid hemiagenesis, a rare congenital condition detected by ultrasound screening of the neck, is usually not manifested clinically in humans. This condition has been reported in mice with hypothyroidism associated with induced deficiency in paired box 8 and NK2 homeobox 1, sonic hedgehog, or T-box 1. Unexpectedly, we observed thyroid hemiagenesis in NOD.H2<sup>h4</sup> mice, an unusual strain that spontaneously develops iodide enhanced thyroid autoimmunity but remains euthyroid. Objectives and Methods: First, to compare mice with thyroid hemiagenesis versus bilobed littermates for serum T4, autoantibodies to thyroglobulin (ELISA) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO; flow cytometry with eukaryotic cells expressing mouse TPO), gross anatomy, and thyroid histology; second, to estimate the percentage of mice with thyroid hemiagenesis in the NOD.H2<sup>h4</sup> mice we have studied over 6 years. Results: Thyroid hemiagenesis was observed in 3 of 1,025 NOD.H2<sup>h4</sup> mice (2 females, 1 male; 0.3%). Two instances of hemiagenesis were in wild-type females and one in a transgenic male expressing the human TSHR A-subunit in the thyroid. Two mice had very large unilobed glands, as in some human cases with this condition. Thyroid lymphocytic infiltration, serum T4, and the levels of thyroid autoantibodies were similar in mice with thyroid hemiagenesis and bilobed littermates. Conclusions: Unlike hypothyroidism associated with hemiagenesis in transcription factor knockout mice, hemiagenesis in euthyroid NOD.H2<sup>h4</sup> mice occurs spontaneously and is phenotypically similar to that occasionally observed in humans.
Thyroid hemiagenesis, comprising the absence of one thyroid lobe, is a rare congenital condition in humans. This condition is usually not manifested clinically and it is detected by ultrasound screening of the neck [1]. The prevalence of thyroid hemiagenesis was 0.05% in 24,032 school children in Sicily [2] and 0.02% in 299,908 children and young adults in a normal Japanese population [1]. In a recent meta-review, the prevalence was reported to vary from 0.05 to 0.5% [3]. There tended to be a bias toward the absence of the left lobe, especially in females, and sometimes enlargement of the single lobe [1, 2]. However, in other individuals, the single thyroid lobe was reduced in size [2]. In an unusual case of Graves’ disease, thyroid hemiagenesis was observed [4]. Individuals with thyroid hemiagenesis tended to develop other thyroid abnormalities but no common genetic basis was found for this condition [3].
In contrast to spontaneously occurring thyroid hemiagenesis in euthyroid humans, this condition in mice has only been reported in association with induced genetic defects leading to hypothyroidism. For example, this condition was reported in a relatively high proportion of mice with partial deficiencies in both paired box 8 (Pax8) and NK2 homeobox1 (TTF1), but not in strains deficient for only one of these transcription factors [5], as well as in mice lacking sonic hedgehog (Shh) [6]. In addition, T-box 1 (Tbx-1) null mice develop a small unilateral thyroid remnant resembling thyroid hemiagenesis [7].
Having excised very large numbers of thyroids from different mouse strains over many years, we were unaware of thyroid hemiagenesis until we began studying NOD.H2h4 mice, an unusual strain that spontaneously develops thyroid autoimmunity, including thyroid lymphocytic infiltration and autoantibodies to thyroglobulin (Tg) [8-10] and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) [11]. As with rarely occurring hemiagenesis with euthyroidism in humans, we report herein that NOD.H2h4 mice appear to be similarly predisposed to this syndrome.
Methods and Materials
Mice Studied
Wild-type NOD.H2h4 mice (originally from The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA) and NOD.H2h4 mice expressing the human TSHR A-subunit transgene in their thyroids (hTSHR/NOD.H2h4) [12] were bred at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Transgenic NOD.H2h4 mice were genotyped by PCR for the human TSHR A-subunit (no cross-reactivity with the endogenous mouse TSHR) as shown in [13] and described below.
Mice were euthanized to harvest blood and thyroid glands (see below) in different experimental protocols after exposure (usually for 16 weeks) to regular drinking water or iodide supplemented drinking water (0.05% NaI) beginning in mice aged 8 weeks. In addition to iodide exposure, the experimental protocols included the following: injecting TSHR A-subunit protein [14]; exposure to diets containing variable amounts of selenium [15], and injecting gold nanoparticles coupled to mouse Tg or TSHR A-subunit protein (unpublished). In addition, some mice were the offspring of NOD.H2h4 crossed to BALB/c to generate F1 progeny, intercrossing F1 mice to generate F2, and back-crossing F1 males to NOD.H2h4 to generate N2 mice to determine the genetic basis for development of autoantibodies to mouse Tg (TgAb), autoantibodies to TPO (TPOAb) and thyroiditis [16], as well as transferring the human TSHR A-subunit transgene to the NOD.H2h4 strain by repeated backcrossing [12, 17]. It must be emphasized that all experimental protocols started when the mice were 8 weeks old, well beyond embryonic day 15.5 by which time the thyroid gland is fully developed [18].
Mice were fed Pico Lab Rodent Diet 20 containing 0.97 ppm iodide. All mouse studies were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and conducted in accordance with mandated standards of humane animal care.
Genotyping of hTSHR.NOD.H2h4 Transgenics
DNA for genotyping was isolated from ear punches or tail tips using DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Germantown, MD, USA). PCR amplification was performed for 40 cycles using the following primers: forward primer hTSHR 522 CTCCTGATGGCACTCGCAGGGTGGAGACGAAC; reverse primer hTSHR 755 GCCTGGAGAATCCCATGGACAGAGGAGCCTGG. As shown for the transgenic mouse later found to have thyroid hemiagenesis (online suppl. Fig. S1; for all online suppl. material, see online Supplementary Materials), the PCR gave a 460 base pair (bp) band for the human TSHR A-subunit in NOD.H2h4 transgenics, which was absent from wild-type mice.
Autoantibodies to Tg and TPO
TgAb were measured by ELISA (sera diluted 1: 100) and TPOAb by flow cytometry (sera diluted 1: 50) using mouse TPO-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cells. Both assays were performed as previously described [11].
Serum T4 and Thyroid Histology
T4 levels were measured (10 μL aliquots) by ELISA (Mouse/Rat Thyroxine (T4) ELISA, Calbiotech, El Cajon, CA, USA); data are reported as micrograms of thyroxine per deciliter.
Neck dissection was performed to reveal the thyroid glands as follows: Following a vertical skin incision in the neck and careful lateral displacement of the strap muscles, forceps were inserted behind the trachea to elevate and display the thyroid lobes. For mice with thyroid hemiagenesis and bilobed littermates, thyroid glands were preserved in zinc fixative (BD Pharmingen, San Diego, CA, USA), paraffin-embedded and serial sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (IDEXX BioResearch Lab Animal and Biological Materials Diagnostic Testing, Columbia, MO, USA).
In studying NOD.H2h4 mice over 6 years [12, 14-17, 19] and unpublished, we unexpectedly observed thyroid hemiagenesis in 3 of 1,025 mice euthanized at the age of 4 months (2 females, 1 male) (0.3%), one of which (the male) was photographed in situ (Fig. 1a). The appearance of thyroid hemiagenesis is similar to that shown by Amendola et al. [5] for mice with partial deficiencies in Titf1 and Pax8. Hemiagenesis occurred in 2 of 666 wild-type NOD.H2h4 mice (both females) and in 1 of 359 transgenic NOD.H2h4 mice with the TSHR A-subunit targeted to the thyroid (a male). The single thyroid lobe in the transgenic NOD.H2h4 mouse was not enlarged (Fig. 1a). In the 2 wild-type NOD.H2h4 mice, the single-lobe thyroids were very large relative to those in bilobed littermates and were not photographed but subjected to histological analysis.
Thyroid hemiagenesis (a) and normal thyroid (b) in NOD.H2h4 mice photographed in situ after neck dissection. Mice were exposed to iodide for 16 weeks from the age of 8 weeks and euthanized at the age of 6 months. Thy, thyroid; Tr, Trachea.
Citation: European Thyroid Journal 7, 4; 10.1159/000490700
Thyroid histology in 2 NOD.H2h4 mice with hemiagenesis was normal for this strain in terms of anticipated lymphocytic infiltration (Fig. 2a, b vs. c, d) and serum T4 levels were within the range of values in animals with 2 thyroid lobes (Fig. 3a). Similarly, the levels of TgAb and TPOAb for mice with a unilobed thyroid were comparable to those of their bilobed littermates (Fig. 3b, c). It should be noted that (as shown here), the degree of thyroiditis is variable in this strain and is related to the levels of TgAb [20].
Thyroid histology (hematoxylin and eosin) in 4 NOD.H2h4 mice, 2 with thyroid hemiagenesis (a, b) and 2 bilobed controls (c, d). Mice were 6 months old and had been exposed to iodide for 16 weeks. Magnification 10×.
Citation: European Thyroid Journal 7, 4; 10.1159/000490700
Serum T4, TgAb, and TPOAb in NOD.H2h4 mice with 1 thyroid lobe and their bi-lobed counterparts at the age of 6 months after 16 weeks on iodide supplementation. a T4 (μg /dL), b TgAb (OD in ELISA), and c TPOAb (geometric mean in flow cytometry). Controls (bilobed littermates) were treated in the same way and studied at the same time as the 3 mice with thyroid hemiagenesis. Data for the 3 cases of thyroid hemiagenesis are presented as filled black circles and for the bilobed littermate controls (n = 18) as box plots (median, 25th and 75th percentiles and, as error bars, the 10th and 90th percentiles; open circles show the values for outliers).
Citation: European Thyroid Journal 7, 4; 10.1159/000490700
It is unlikely that the thyroid hemiagenesis is caused by the autoimmune thyroiditis for several reasons: (a) thyroiditis takes time to develop and was studied in mice aged 4 months; (b) only 3 of 1,025 mice on the NOD.H2h4 background had thyroid hemiagenesis although all had TgAb, TPOAb, and thyroiditis; and (c) thyroid hemiagenesis was not observed in the related strain NOD.H2k that develops spontaneous thyroiditis and TgAb [21] but not TPOAb [19]. Colleagues who have had extensive experience with NOD.H2h4 mice, including wild-type and multiple immune cell or cytokine knockouts on the NOD.H2h4 background (all of which develop TgAb and thyroiditis) have not been aware of thyroid hemiagenesis (personal communications from Helen Braley Mullen, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO, USA; Yuji Nagayama, Medical Gene Technology, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan).
Finally, we have not previously observed thyroid hemiagenesis in other mouse strains which do not develop TgAb or TPOAb spontaneously (Table 1), including BALB/c [13, 22-27], C57BL/6 [27, 28], AKR/N [29-31], HLA-DR3, or DQ6 [32, 33] or recombinant inbred mice, namely CXB, BXH, AXB/BXA, BXD, and LXS [34-37]. Consequently, it is likely that thyroid hemiagenesis is strain specific.
Thyroid hemiagenesis in relation to the development of spontaneous (or iodide enhanced) thyroiditis, autoantibodies to Tg and TPO (TgAb and TPOAb) in the mouse strains we have studied
We observed 3 cases of thyroid hemiagenesis in a total of 1,025 NOD.H2h4 mice, a strain in which all mice develop iodide-enhanced thyroid autoantibodies in association with thyroiditis. Thyroid hemiagenesis had not been noted by colleagues with extensive experience using NOD.H2h4 mice (personal communication) or by ourselves in 11 other mouse strains, including 5 commonly used strains (BALB/c, C56BL/6, DBA/2, and AKR/N). Unlike most other strains, NOD.H2h4 mice seem to be predisposed to developing thyroid hemiagenesis, consistent with the familial predisposition observed in some humans [3, 38].
Previously (as already mentioned), thyroid hemiagenesis was observed in some mice with knockouts of transcription factors Pax8, NK2 homeobox1 (Nkx-2/TTF-1), Shh, or Tbx1 [5-7], all mice being hypothyroid. Although we did not examine the expression of these factors in our NOD.H2h4 mice with hemiagenesis, deficiency in these factors is unlikely because all NOD.H2h4 mice (with or without thyroid hemiagenesis) were euthyroid. In addition, it is unlikely that the TSHR A-subunit transgene contributed to thyroid hemiagenesis in 1 mouse because (a) it occurred in 2 wild-type NOD.H2h4 mice and (b) the transgene is located on chromosome 1 [17] and not on chromosomes 2, 12, 5, and 16, the locations of Pax 8, TTF1, Shh, and Tbx1. It should be emphasized that the genetic basis for thyroid hemiagenesis in humans could be identified in only a minority of cases with no common or specific gene identified [3, 38], although thyroid autoimmunity was frequently present [39].
In conclusion, thyroid hemiagenesis occurs in a small percentage (0.3%) of NOD.H2h4 mice. Unlike hypothyroid transcription factor knockout mice, the outcome of thyroid hemiagenesis resembles that occasionally observed in humans (0.05–0.5%).
We thank Dr. Jean Ruf (INSERM-URA, Faculté de Médecine, Marseille, France) for generously providing us with mouse monoclonal antibodies to human TPO. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health Grants DK54684 (S.M.M.) and DK19289 (B.R.).
Disclosure Statement
The authors have no conflicts of interest.
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